SAS Base (51)

The following program is submitted:

proc contents data=_all_;

Which statement best describes the output from the submitted program?

A. The output contains only a list of the SAS data sets that are contained in the WORK library.
B. The output displays only the contents of the SAS data sets that are contained in the WORK library.
C. The output displays only the variables in the SAS data sets that are contained in the WORK library.
D. The output contains a list of the SAS data sets that are contained in the WORK library and displays the contents of those data sets.

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Answer: D

注解:The CONTENTS procedure shows the contents of a SAS data set and prints the directory of the SAS library. As the libref is omitted, SAS uses the default library WORK, and  _ALL_ represents all data sets in that library. SAS lists the data sets in WORK library followed by the contents of each data set.

One thought to “SAS Base (51)”

  1. CONTENTS过程显示SAS数据集的内容并打印SAS库的目录。由于省略了libref, SAS使用默认库WORK, _ALL_表示该库中的所有数据集。SAS列出WORK库中的数据集,然后是每个数据集的内容。

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