Given the SAS data set WORK.ORDERS:
order_id | customer | shipped |
9341 | Josh Martin | 02FEB2009 |
9874 | Rachel Lords | 14MAR2009 |
10233 | Takashi Sato | 07JUL2009 |
The variable order_id is numeric; customer is character; and shipped is numeric, contains a SAS date value,and is shown with the DATE9. format.
A programmer would like to create a new variable, ship_note,that shows a character value with the order_id,shipped date, and customer name.
For example, given the first observation ship_note would have the value “Order 9341 shipped on 02FEB2009 to Josh Martin”.
Which of the following statement will correctly create the value and assign it to ship_note?
A. ship_note=catx(‘ ‘,’Order’,order_id,’shipped on’,input(shipped,date9.),’to’,customer);
B. ship_note=catx(‘ ‘,’Order’,order_id,’shipped on’,char(shipped,date9.),’to’,customer);
C. ship_note=catx(‘ ‘,’Order’,order_id,’shipped on’,tranwrd(shipped,date9.),’to’,customer);
D. ship_note=catx(‘ ‘,’Order’,order_id,’shipped on’,put(shipped,date9.),’to’,customer);
Thank you! This explanation is pretty good!
the examples are indeed helpful. thank you Harrison.
Great. Thanks!